«ستّة فِراخ يستكشفون عالم الحديقة المجهول، ويختبرون معه مشاعرهم وأحاسيسهم: الأوّل خافَ, والثّاني غَضِبَ, والثّالث بَرَدَ, والرّابع نَعِسَ, والخامس حَزِنَ, و السّادس قَلِقَ....»
“Six chicks explore the unknown world of the garden, and test their feelings and emotions with it: the first was afraid, the second became angry, the third was cold, the fourth was sleepy, the fifth was sad, and the sixth was anxious....”Age | 3-6 |
Cover | Paperback |
Publisher | Al Hadaek Group |
Weight | 480 g |
Dimensions | 26 x 23 x 2 cm |