“تتناولُ سلسلةُ «ما أبشع حروب الكبار » قصصَ أولادٍ شرَّدَتْهم
الحروبُ من بيوتِهم ومدارِسِهم، وأبْعَدَتْهم عن أقْرِبائِهم
وأصْدِقائِهم، وحَرَمَتْهم من حُقوقِهم. قصص أولاد يَسمعون
بالإرهابِ الّذي يُهدّدُ حياتَهم ومُسْتَقْبَلَهم. سلسلة تهدفُ إلى
التّوعيةِ على بشاعةِ الحرب، ودَعْوَةِ الأولادِ ليكونوا صُنّاعَ سَلام.”
This book is a part of the series “How Awful Adults’ Wars Are!” The series contains stories of children who are scattered and obliged to leave their homes and schools. They are away from their friends and relatives. They are deprived from their rights. Terrorism threatens their lives and their future as well. The series raises awareness to the horrors of war. It motivates children to be peace makers!
Age | 9-12 |
Author | Sanaa Ali AlHarake |
Cover | Paperback |
Published-year | 2018 |
Publisher | Asala Publishers |
Weight | 70 g |
Dimensions | 21 x 14 x 2 cm |