نجح «فادي» وأصبح في الصفّ السادس بتفوّق. فكافأه أبوه وأهداه سمّاعات جميلةً لسماع الموسيقى. ومنذ أن بدأ «فادي» بوضع السمّاعات على أذنيه، فقد قدرته على سماع صوت أيّ أحدٍ. لا بل أكثر من ذلك... لقد أصبح يفهم الكلمات بالمقلو
Upon his success in school, Fadi received headphones as a gift. Because of his intense love for listening to music, the headphones distracted him from his family, companions, and duties. His parents warned him of the consequences of that.
Age | 6-9 |
Author | Alaa Hosamo |
Cover | Paperback |
Pages | 28 |
Published-year | 2020 |
Publisher | Asala Publishers |
Weight | 50 g |
Dimensions | 25 x 25 x 0.5 cm |