«كُنْتُ أعْتَقِدُ أنَّني أُحِبُّ فَقَطْ كُرَةَ القَدَم. ولَكِن، بَعْدَ أنْ أمْضَيْتُ ساعاتٍ وأنا أقْرَأ، اسْتَمْتَعْتُ كَثيرًا وعَرَفْتُ قيمَةَ المُطالَعَة». ماذا حَدَثَ لِـ«رَيّان»؟ ما الَّذي جَعَلَهُ يَمْضي ساعاتٍ بَيْنَ الكُتُب؟
“I thought that I only loved football. But after spending hours reading, I had a lot of fun and I realized the importance of reading.” What happened to “Rayan”? What urged him to spend hours reading?Age | 3-6 |
Cover | Paperback |
Published-year | 2019 |
Publisher | Asala Publishers |
Dimensions | x x cm |