كيف ينظر ذلك الصبي الصغير إلى أغراض عمّته الكبيرة جدّاً. كانت عمّته مصابة بالسمنة، وكان يراها مختلفة عن غيرها، لكنّه كان يُدرك تماماً أن أجمل ما في عمّته الكبيرة قلبها الكبير، الذي يحبّه كثيراً.
How does that little boy look at his aunt's very big things. His aunt was obese, and he saw her as different from others, but he was fully aware that the most beautiful thing about his great aunt was her big heart, which he loved very much.
Age | 6-9 |
Cover | Paperback |
Publisher | Al Hadaek Group |
Weight | 100 g |
Dimensions | 22 x 22 x 2 cm |