إلى إبْعادِ وَجْهِها مِنْها حينَما تَقْتَرِبُ مِنْها، لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْ «سُعاد » أنْ
تُخْبِرَها. وحينَما أخْبَرَتْ «كَوْثَر » أُمَّها، عَرَفَتِ السَّبَب. إنَّها رائِحَةٌ
غَيْرُ لَطيفَةٍ تَنْبَعِثُ مِنْ فَمِها.
في هَذِهِ القِصَّة، نَتَعَرَّفُ إلى أسْبابِ رائِحَةِ الفَمِ غَيْرِ اللَّطيفَة،
وكَيْفَ نُعالِجُها بِسُهولَةٍ.”
When “Kawthar” askes her friend; “Soad” about the cause of keeping her face away whenever she talks to her; “Soad” cannot tell her. “Kawthar” tells her mom and the later knows the cause. There is a bad smell coming from “Kawthar’s” mouth. This story will help us to recognize the causes of unpleasant mouth odor, and the ways to get rid of such a smell!